
The 12 Arguments of Christmas*

It’s been one heck of a year, and now we get to celebrate the end of 2020 with…whoo hoo…more family time. I’m sure the rest of you all have perfectly charming holiday memories, but many of mine seem to be based on discord rather than harmony.

My brother would probably say that’s because I like to stir things up.

I’m sure he’s not wrong. But I only do it for good. So consider yourselves all blessed with my personal, highly subject 12 Arguments of Christmas.

*My highly subjective opinion.

  1. Arguing over opening the wrong Amazon boxes.

    You can add to the fun exponentially if you share a Prime membership with your extended family.

2. Arguing with the relatives over traditions, particularly if your family is newly merged.

Are you sick and tired of hearing “We’ve always done it this way?” for 1001 traditions in your family that leave you running the roads the entire holiday? I’ve got a news flash for you: your immediate family might have, but as a culture, we really haven’t been celebrating Christmas that long. Let me help you build your case with this History Channel documentary.

3. Arguing over whether A Christmas Story or It’s a Wonderful Life is better.

I’m A Christmas Story fan myself.

…And in case you didn’t know, A Christmas Story is drawn from essays from this hilarious book about growing up in the 1940’s. Reading the (real life) basis for the events in the film is a lot of fun, and since only about 10% of the book appears in the film, there’s a lot more fresh fun…NOT having to do with Christmas, either. Great book to sit down with once your obligations are fulfilled.

4. Arguing about watching Home Alone again…here’s both sides.

5. Arguing over the exact gift requested that is still somehow wrong.

6. Arguing about how often to watch Christmas Vacation, and the current debate in my house, should we purchase Vacation to go with it?

My absolutely all-time favorite Christmas movie: Christmas Vacation. Finally told the truth about Christmas in America, and also it was the 80’s, so it reminds me of Christmas during my teenage years. Enjoy seeing a very young Johnny Galecki (Leonard from “The Big Bang Theory”) and Julia Louis-Dreyfus as an uptight “yuppie”.

7. Arguing about whether Pee Wee’s Christmas should be viewed before or after RuPaul, and also whether the Grandparents are ready for it.

And Pee Wee! Watching Pee Wee’s Christmas is a ritual in my family. Her’s the entire thing. Pleasantly camp and with cameos from anyone who was anyone in the 80’s. Yes, Virginia, this was a real children’s show in the late 80’s.

8. Arguing about whether to put the kids in the cute Christmas outfits or go with a Christmas T-shirt from Target.

9. Arguing about how many hours a day the Hallmark Channel should be on

If someone in your family has been watching the Hallmark Channel since Thanksgiving, tell them you’ve found a show you both will like…the “Hallmark Dating Show”!

10. Arguing about which specials are too scary for the kids.

When I was a kid, “The Year Without Santa Claus” was removed from the air because it was considered too scary because of the songs below. But, if you keep watching the video below that, you’ll see that Heat Miser is nothing.

11. Arguing over holiday entertaining.

12. Arguing over family.

Peace on earth, good will to all people…whatever you are doing, enjoy your day. xxTLL